After creating a version of the Landmarks app for watchOS, it’s time to set your sights on something bigger: bringing Landmarks to the Mac. You’ll build upon everything you’ve learned so far, to round out the experience of building a SwiftUI app for iOS, watchOS, and macOS.
You’ll start by adding a macOS target to your project, and then reusing views and data you created earlier. With a foundation in place, you’ll add some new views tailored to macOS, and modify others to work better across platforms.
Follow the steps to build this project, or download the finished project to explore on your own.
Start by adding a macOS target to the project. Xcode adds a new group and set of starter files for the macOS app, along with the scheme needed to build and run the app. You’ll then add some existing files to the new target.
To be able to preview and run the app, be sure your Mac is running macOS Monterey or later.
The detail view displays information about the selected landmark. You created a view like this for the iOS app, but different platforms require different approaches to data presentation.
Sometimes you can reuse a view across platforms with small adjustments or conditional compilation, but the detail view differs enough for macOS that it’s better to create a dedicated view. You’ll copy the iOS detail view as a starting point, and then modify it to suit the larger display of macOS.
The shared
view works in macOS, but it’s worth revisiting to look for improvements given the new visual environment. Because this view is used by all three platforms, you need to be careful that any changes you make work across all of them.
already works on macOS, but could use improvements. For example, you’ll move the toggle for showing only favorites to a menu in the toolbar, where it can be joined by additional filtering controls.The changes you’ll make will work for both macOS and iOS, but will be difficult to accommodate on watchOS. Fortunately, in the previous section you already split the list into a separate file for watchOS.
When you create an app using the SwiftUI life cycle, the system automatically creates a menu with commonly needed items, like those for closing the front-most window or for quitting the app. SwiftUI lets you add other common commands with built-in behavior, as well as completely custom commands.
In this section, you’ll add a system-provided command that lets the user toggle the sidebar, to be able to get it back after dragging it closed.
In the previous section, you added a built-in menu command set. In this section, you’ll add a custom command for toggling the favorite status of the currently selected landmark. To know which landmark is currently selected, you’ll use a focused binding.